Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday April 6

Unit 7: Oil & Natural Gas

  1. The Car of the Future
    1. What will the new fuel source be?
    2. Where will the fuel come from?
    3. What will the emissions from the car be?
    4. What will the price implications look like?
    5. What changes will you make to a car today?
      1. Shape?
      2. Weight?
      3. Size?
  2. Refinery Worksheet

Look at this image to determine how many carbon atoms are in each of the hydro-carbon chains.

    1. Label each of the "arrows".
    2. What goes into the refinery?
    3. What comes out?
    4. What are the different temperatures?
    5. What are the different products made of?
  1. Lecture & Diagram Notes
  2. Introductory Questions
  3. Timeline & Formation
    1. When was petroleum formed?
    2. When was petroleum first used & for what?
    3. When will petroleum run out?
    4. What has petroleum been used for over the years?
  4. Study Guide Question
    1. Period 3
    2. Period 4
    3. Period 6
    4. Period 7

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