Monday, March 16, 2015

Unit 6: HydroPower

Here is the list of materials that need to be completed for the hydropower unit.

  1. Hydro-Power Introduction Questions
  2. Hydro Diagrams
    1. complete a diagram of a dam/reservoir power plant
    2. complete a diagram of a pumped storage system power plant
  3. Find an article about a specific power plant that uses a form of hydro to generate electricity and answer these questions about the article.
  4. Create a timeline of hydropower uses throughout human history. Be sure to include the five (5) hydropower plants presented in class.
  5. You will be assigned a specific power plant 
    1. Complete this study guide for the quiz on Thursday.

This is an image of a traditional hydropower plant.
This is an image (with explanation of a pumped storage hydropower plant)

Your group will be assigned to one of the following 5 hydropower categories
Your presentation should include:

  • a history of the power plant
  • the amount of electricity generated (MW)
  • the economic benefits of your power plant 
  • the environmental benefits of your power plant
  • the environmental consequences of your power plant
  • the diagram showing how the power plant operates

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