Monday, September 8, 2014

Week of September 8-12

Howdy Gang!

Here we go...
  1. We are getting closer to holding hammers and pounding nails. You did a great job on the quiz last week, especially the practical portion. Keep working hard, practice and remember to measure twice and cut once!
  2. Your portfolio should contain the following so far... AS OF September 10
    1. Scale Drawing #1: Lab Table
    2. Rough Sketch: Tiny House
    3. Scale Drawing #2: Tiny House
  3. You should have completed a calculation sheet for the 3rd scale drawing. That was graded this week along with the above drawings.
For Wednesday September 10th
  1. You need to have completed the above material(#2 above) already. If you have not and if it is not in the grade book, I need to see you NOW!
  2. You need to read the article (here). There are instructions at the end of the article. Please read them first! 
    1. Analysis Questions (complete sentences; typed; turned in for Wednesday 9/10).
      1. What is suburban sprawl?
      2. How is suburban sprawl related to the environment?
      3. What is a carbon footprint?
      4. What is your (individual) carbon footprint? For your family? (Check this out....)
      5. Using the interactive map from the article, pick 3 places anywhere in the USA and list the carbon footprint for that area. Be sure to select an urban, rural and suburban location!
      6. What differences do you see between the different areas? What categories are used to measure an area? How do these areas compare?
  3. Here is the review that we will use on Wednesday to talk about the article. If you are absent, be sure to read the article linked above before you check out the presentation!
For Friday September 12th
  1. We will start class with this warm-up.... 
    1. the write-up for the warm-up is due on Monday (if you do not complete it in class.

  1. In class today, you will begin two profile sketches. The first sketch is a rear-profile and the second is a side profile. We will use the measurements that we made in class on Thursday. 
    1. The width of the trailer is 108",
    2. The height is 159 3/4",
    3. The length of the trailer is 240"

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