Monday, March 16, 2015

Unit 6: HydroPower

Here is the list of materials that need to be completed for the hydropower unit.

  1. Hydro-Power Introduction Questions
  2. Hydro Diagrams
    1. complete a diagram of a dam/reservoir power plant
    2. complete a diagram of a pumped storage system power plant
  3. Find an article about a specific power plant that uses a form of hydro to generate electricity and answer these questions about the article.
  4. Create a timeline of hydropower uses throughout human history. Be sure to include the five (5) hydropower plants presented in class.
  5. You will be assigned a specific power plant 
    1. Complete this study guide for the quiz on Thursday.

This is an image of a traditional hydropower plant.
This is an image (with explanation of a pumped storage hydropower plant)

Your group will be assigned to one of the following 5 hydropower categories
Your presentation should include:

  • a history of the power plant
  • the amount of electricity generated (MW)
  • the economic benefits of your power plant 
  • the environmental benefits of your power plant
  • the environmental consequences of your power plant
  • the diagram showing how the power plant operates

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Friday March 6

This week...

  1. Draw a diagram of the nuclear power plant shown above. Be sure that your diagram includes the purpose of each part.
  2. Explain the similarities and differences between coal and nuclear power plants.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wednesday March 11

Go to the nuclear fission simulation and complete the handout provided in class. You may work with ONE other person.

When you have completed the above assignment, you may begin to work on the study guide.  The nuclear unit quiz is on Friday. You need the following items in your portfolio by Friday.
Unit 5 Nuclear Energy

  • Nuclear Power Article
  • Nuclear Power Article Review Questions
  • Nuclear Power Plant Diagram & Summary of Parts
  • Nuclear Event Summary
  • Radioactive Decay Notes
  • Radioactive Decay & Half-Life Worksheet
  • pHet Nuclear Fission Lab Worksheet
  • Unit 5 Study Guide
When you complete the above items, you may bring me your portfolio to be graded.