Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday January 29

Study Guide for Unit 2: Sectors of Energy Use

  1. What do the terms U-Value and R-Value refer to? In which sector are these concepts relevant?
  2. What is the relationship between the wavelength of infrared and visible light?
  3. How does energy travel (flow)? (What are the three ways that energy flows?)
  4. What are the three energy use sectors?
  5. What resources are used in the transportation sector?
  6. Which resource is most commonly used for electrical generation?
  7. How does energy move? (Answer using the terms high concentration and low concentration).
  8. Which of the sectors consumes the greatest amount of electricity?
  9. Within the residential sector, which activity uses the most energy?
  10. What resources are used for home heating?

5 questions for the article

  1. What is the type of resource that your article discusses?
  2. What is the energy use sector that your article discusses?
  3. What is an issue associated with the resource?
  4. Where does the resource come from?
  5. How is the resource used? 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Monday January 26

In class today you will create a 4-square (vocabulary, diagram explanation, article summary, why it matters) using the article that we looked at this week. This time, you will review the different places that energy is used. Please focus on:

  • Residential/Commercial (Page 70)
    • Heating and Cooling (Page 71)
    • Insulation/Weatherization (Page 71)
    • Doors/Windows (Page 71)
    • Landscaping (Page 71)
    • Appliances (Page 72)
    • Lighting (Page 73)
    • Water Heating (Page 73)
  • Transportation (Page 74)
The first 2 energy use sectors that we are going to look at are "Residential/Commercial" and "Transportation".  For each of the above topics, you need to read the paragraph and provide a 4-square for it. 

Friday January 23

You will complete your first portfolio entry today.

  • Label your study guide as "Unit 1 Study Guide: Conservation & Efficiency"
  • Label your article as "Article #1:Conservation & Efficiency"
  • Label your article activity as "Summary #1:Conservation & Efficiency"
  • Include the Efficiency & Conservation Handout as "Unit 1 Handout"
If you missed class today, you will need to complete that quiz on the day that you return during 5th, 8th or after school. In addition, you will need to complete your portfolio entry.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday January 22

Questions and Topics for the week...

  1. What is energy conservation?
  2. What is energy efficiency?
  3. What are the countries that use the most energy?
  4. Why do we (Americans) consume so much energy?
  5. What is the formula to measure energy efficiency?
  6. What is the scientific principle (Law) that governs conservation?
  7. What is a payback period and how is it calculated?
  8. What does the term "consumer society" mean?
  9. What is sustainability?
  10. Provide an example of an opportunity to conserve energy in your own home.
In class today, we will review the material that we have covered this week. All of the above questions will be answered in class and you will have an opportunity to take notes and prepare a study guide for the test. These study guides will become part of your portfolio.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday January 20

What is conservation?
What is efficiency?
How is efficiency measured?
What "Laws" govern the conservation of energy (and matter)?
Why are these concepts important in our discussion of natural resource use?

For Friday, bring a news article that deals with either conservation of natural resources or the efficient use of energy.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday January 8

To clarify a few points for you....

Your final is worth 200 points. It is divided into 4 categories; participation, portfolio, essay and exam.  Each portion is worth 50 points.

  • The exam will have 45 multiple choice questions and a short answer question worth 5 points.
  • You should have 14 drawings in your portfolio. 
  • The essay is based on the rubric which was posted last week, but here are a few questions for you to consider....

  1. What is the purpose of including a service based learning requirement for this class? In other words, why is it important to connect the information that is studied in class to a real world application?
  2. Based on your service based learning experience, why do you think that it is important to connect a volunteer experience with information that we have learned in class?
  3. Provide evidence from your service learning to demonstrate the importance of the experience.
  4. Provide an introduction and conclusion paragraph.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 7, 2015

Go to this link and follow the instructions provided. When you have completed the tasks, answer the questions below.

  1. Which of the resources could be used in Colorado? Why?
  2. What is one positive and one negative associated with each of the resources?
  3. Select one of the resources and explain how it is used to generate electricity.
There is an extra credit opportunity for you.... take a selfie in front of the Waterton Canyon Hydro-electric dam before January 16th to earn those valuable points!

Here is a link to your study guide.  If you have any questions, please see me. This study guide needs to be printed out and is due the day of your final exam.